The Fifth Pillar is Hajj




The meaning of Hajj in language refers to: In the legal terminology, it is: Going to the Sacred House of Allah to perform specific rituals, and it is also defined as: Visiting a specific place, at a specific time, with the intention of performing the rituals of Hajj after performing Ihram, and the place is: The Kaaba and Arafat, and the specific time is: The months of Hajj, namely: Shawwal, Dhu al-Qa'dah, and Dhu al-Hijjah.

Hajj is a sacred pilgrimage that is required of every Muslim at least once in their lifetime – it is one of the five pillars of Islam. Each year, millions of Muslims from across the world travel to and perform Hajj in Makkah, modern day Saudi Arabia.

Allah has made Muslims a qiblah to which they turn when they pray and supplicate wherever they are, which is the Holy House in Makkah: Turn your face towards the Sacred Mosque, and wherever you are, turn your faces towards it, al-Baqarah/144.

Ever since Allah Almighty commanded his servant Ibrahim, peace be upon him, to announce the Hajj to the people, hearts have been yearning for this house and that place, and delegations have been flocking to it from all over the world, in response to the call of Allah Almighty; Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with them both) says: When Abraham finished building the house, it was said to him, “Give permission to the people.” He said, “Lord, what is my voice?” He said, “Give permission, and it is up to me to report it: “O people, it is written for you to make the pilgrimage to the House of the Ancient of Days, so make the pilgrimage,” and it was heard between heaven and earth.

Since the homes of Muslims are far apart and Islam calls for meeting and acquaintance, as well as for cooperation in righteousness and piety, communicating the truth, calling to God, and glorifying the rites of God, God has made it obligatory for every adult, sane and capable Muslim to visit his ancient house, circumambulate it, and perform the rituals of Hajj as prescribed by God and His Messenger. The Almighty said: And Allah has made it incumbent upon the people to perform the pilgrimage of the house, whoever is able to do so, and whoever disbelieves, Allah is rich in the worlds, Al-Imran/97.

Hajj is a season in which the unity, strength, and pride of Muslims are manifested, as the Lord is one, the book is one, the messenger is one, the nation is one, the worship is one, and the clothes are one.

Hajj has etiquette and conditions that a Muslim must follow, such as keeping the tongue, hearing and eyesight from what Allah forbids, sincerity of intention, kindness of expenditure, having good morals, and avoiding everything that spoils the pilgrimage, such as lewdness, debauchery and controversy, as the Almighty said: The Hajj is known months, so whoever imposes the Hajj, then there should be no lewdness, no debauchery, and no arguing in the Hajj, and whatever good you do is known to Allah, and provide for yourself, for the best supply is piety, and fear, O you who have the best of hearts, Al-Baqarah /197.

If a Muslim performs the pilgrimage in the correct legal manner, and it is sincere to Allah, it will be an expiation for his sins, as the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Whoever performs a pilgrimage for Allah and does not commit immorality, he will return as the day his mother was born, Narrated by Bukhari No. 15210.

Hajj is one of the greatest causes of atonement for sins and sins, and if a slave performs the Hajj, he returns from his Hajj as the day his mother was born, clean of sins and sins; in the hadith from Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him), he said: I heard the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say: “Whoever performs a pilgrimage and does not commit immorality or debauchery will return as the day his mother was born.” Narrated by Al-Bukhari, the hadith appears to forgive both small and big sins, as Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar said. However, this forgiveness is conditional, as stated in the hadith, on not committing immorality and debauchery; immorality is sexual intercourse and its preliminaries, and debauchery is bad and sinful.
Amr ibn al-'As (may Allah be pleased with him) came to the Prophet (peace be upon him) to convert to Islam, and he wanted to condition the Prophet (peace be upon him) to forgive him of his past sins, which he had committed during polytheism. The Prophet (peace be upon him) mentioned three things to him, all of which expiate the previous sins, Amr ibn al-'As said: “When Allah put Islam in my heart, I came to the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) and said, 'Extend your hand and let me give you my allegiance: Amr, I said, “I stipulate.” He said, “What do you stipulate? He said: “Didn't you know that Islam destroys what came before it, that migration destroys what came before it, and that Hajj destroys what came before it?) Narrated by Muslim, so he made Hajj one of the acts of worship that atones for previous sins.
Some scholars have elaborated on this, saying: Hajj expiates the sins that are the rights of God Almighty but not the rights of servants, and the expiation of the rights of God Almighty does not mean that they are forfeited, but rather the sin of neglecting them. Most scholars agree that Hajj does not atone for grievances, but there must be repentance, which entails the fulfillment of the right to the owner, or retribution on the Day of Judgment.
Pilgrimage is rewarded with Paradise
Allah has promised His servants that He will reward them for their obedience, and the reward for Hajj is Paradise