The Story of Qarun

The Story of Qarun

Qarun was from the nation of Moses, from the children of Israel. Allah said that he became a transgressor and tyrant against all the people of Bani Israel and he was one of the most transgressors during the time of Moses.

The story of Qarun and his wealth is mentioned in the Holy Qur'an after the story of Moses (peace be upon him) with Pharaoh, the mighty and unjust ruler, to increase believers' confidence in his power over every arrogant and domineering person who has money and influence.

Qarun was one of the people of Moses (peace be upon him), and he was from the Israelites. According to some accounts, he is said to be the cousin of Moses, as he is attributed to Yusuf bin Kahath, while Moses is the son of Imran bin Kahath. Qarun lived in ancient Egypt and was Pharaoh's minister to the Hebrews.

God gave him immense wealth, and the keys to his treasuries were so heavy that a group of strong men could not carry them. His treasures were described as gold, silver, and jewelry, and his treasuries were carried on sixty mules.

Because of his wealth, Qarun became arrogant and overbearing to his people. He thought that his wealth came from his own knowledge and ability, forgetting that it was God who bestowed these blessings on him. His people advised him not to take too much joy in the world and to remember the hereafter, but he rejected their advice.

When his arrogance reached its peak, he went out to his people in full adornment, and some people wished they had what Qarun had. But God punished him by raining down on him and his house, swallowing them all up, and neither his money nor his prestige benefited him.

- **Not to be arrogant about your blessings**: Qarun forgot that God is the source of blessings, so his end was a lesson for every arrogant person.

- **Balance between this world and the hereafter**: Man must work for the hereafter and not forget his share of the world with wisdom.

- **Warning against corruption**: God does not like corrupt people, and money should be used for good and not for injustice.

The story of Qarun is mentioned in the Surahs of Stories and Al-Ankabut, providing a lesson on the consequences of arrogance and arrogance. The Almighty said:  

**“Qarun was one of the people of Moses, and he transgressed against them, and we gave him of the treasures, the keys of which would be difficult for the strongest of the strong.”** [Surat al-Taqtis: 76].

After God had ravaged the earth, his story became a lesson for those who would consider it. Those who wished for his place said: **"But Allah spreads the prosperity to whomever He wills.

Qarun's arrogance and pride 

The Qur'an does not mention the form of this oppression and tyranny, but the Qur'an does not mention the form of this oppression and tyranny, leaving it ambiguous, and the verses mention that moderate people from his people tried to dissuade him from his path; that it is necessary to follow the path of moderation and intentionality in the disposal of money, and that some joy may make the owner forget the source of the money and the giver of the blessings on him

Allah tells us about Qarun's treasures and says that the keys to the chambers containing the treasures were difficult for a group of strong men to carry. If the keys to the treasures were like that, how were the treasures themselves? The Qur'an does not mention what the treasures were for. The Qur'an does not say what he did, leaving it open to various forms. He may have wronged them by oppressing them and usurping their land and things. He may have wronged them by depriving them of their right to that money. The right of the poor to the wealth of the rich. He may have wronged them for other reasons.

It seems that the wise among his people advised him to be moderate, which is the right approach. They warn him against joy that leads the owner to forget who is the benefactor of this money, and advise him to enjoy the money in this world, without forgetting the hereafter, as he should work for the hereafter with this money. They remind him that this money is a gift from God and a favor, so he should do good and give charity from this money, so that he can repay charity with charity. They warn him against corruption on earth, such as oppression, injustice, envy, hatred, spending money in the wrong way, or withholding it from what it should be. God does not like corrupt people.

Qarun got his wealth after he asked Prophet Moses to pray that God would give him money. Indeed, he became very wealthy. But because of it, he became arrogant, proud and disobedient. He thought that his wealth made him the best person ever. He was so arrogant that he said he didn't need anything even to believe in God, obey Him, and forgive Him, because he felt he was already above everything and had no fear of God's torment.

The majority of the people wished to become like him and possess what he possessed, seeing him as a lucky man in this world, and not caring about the fate that awaited him because he angered God. Others who believed in God knew that what Qarun was doing was not pleasing to God, and they knew that what God has is better and richer.

Qarun's wealth disappeared when he was ordered to pay zakat, but he refused, arguing that zakat would reduce his wealth. As a result of Qarun's arrogance, he received a painful punishment, as Allah Almighty razed him to the ground along with all his possessions.

Qarun became an example for everyone, whether those who wished to be like him or those who do not fear God, and they knew that God is capable of everything, and that the livelihood is in His hand, and everyone who has money should know that he got it thanks to God's grace and generosity, and not become proud and conceited.