Miracle of winds

Miracle of winds

The Almighty says: {And We sent the winds to pollinate} (Surat al-Hajar: 22) is part of a noble verse that shows an aspect of the scientific miracle in the Holy Qur'an. This verse talks about the role of the wind in the process of pollination, a newly discovered scientific fact, but the Qur'an referred to it more than 1400 years ago.

  1. Harnessing the wind for Solomon (peace be upon him)
    God Almighty harnessed the wind to his prophet Sulayman, peace be upon him, as it flowed at his command to navigate ships and transport soldiers and goods. This is mentioned in several verses, including:

    Surat al-Anbiya: {And to Solomon the wind is a stormy wind that flows by his command to the land in which we have blessed him} [al-Anbiya: 81]. Here, the wind is described as gusty and strong, indicating its speed and ability to carry out Solomon's orders.

    Surah Shebaa: {And to Solomon the wind, whose arrival is one month and its departure is one month} [Shebaa: 12]. This shows that the wind traveled a month in the morning and a month in the evening, which shows the greatness of this miracle.

    Surah S: {We made for him the wind to flow at his command to make him comfortable wherever he strikes} [S: 36]. Here the wind is described as soft, i.e., suitable for traveling without discomfort313.

    2. Pollinating winds
    The Holy Qur'an mentions the role of the wind in pollinating clouds and bringing down rain, which is a scientific miracle that corresponds to modern discoveries. Almighty God said: {And We sent the winds as pollinators, and We sent down water from the sky} [Alhajar: 22]. This indicates that the wind carries water molecules and pollinates the clouds, which leads to the formation of rain. Scientists have interpreted this type of pollination as including:

    Pollination of hot clouds with cold clouds.

    Pollination of positively charged clouds with negatively charged clouds.

3. Wind in the context of mercy and torment
The Qur'an differentiates between the use of the word “wind” and “winds” depending on the context:

Wind: It is used in the context of mercy, such as: {And We sent the winds to scatter} [Al-Hajar: 22], and {And it is He who sends the winds as heralds between the hands of His mercy} [Al-A'raf: 57].

Wind: It is used in the context of torment, such as Almighty God: {We sent upon them a bitter wind in bad days} [Faslat: 16], and {Aad was destroyed by a strong bitter wind} [Al-Haqqah: 6] 814.

4. Wind in the life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
There are hadiths that show the Prophet's dealings with the wind, as he used to pray to Allah to make it a wind of mercy and not a wind of torment. This includes the hadith of Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with them both): “A wind arose and the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, was afraid of it, so he faced it, knelt down, stretched his hands to the sky, and then said: “O Allah, make it a wind and not a wind, O Allah, make it a mercy and not a torment."8

5. The lesson of the miracle of the wind
The greatness of God's power: The harnessing of the wind for Solomon and the pollination of the clouds shows that God is the mastermind of the universe.

Scientific miracle: Modern discoveries confirm what the Qur'an says about the role of the wind in nature.

Reflecting on God's verses: The wind is one of God's signs that invite man to contemplate God's creation and greatness

Interpretation of the verse:

{We sent the winds to pollinate}:

In these verses of Surah Fater, Allah tells us of His great power and His marvelous deeds in the winds, which He creates and directs as He wills, and sends them and catches them as He wills, so He says here about sending them: And it is Allah who sends the winds, and they raise a cloud, and we have watered it to a dead country. Allah sends them, and it is He who holds them and catches them, as He says: “If He wills, He will settle the winds, and they will remain stationary on His back” [Shura: In this verse, He tells us about one of His signs in these wondrous winds, which He harnesses, and which are a soldier of His army, bringing the servants with the sustenance of Allah, moving as Allah wills, coming from the east, the west, the north and the south as Allah wills, and coming with the spirit and mercy of Allah, and coming with the sustenance of Allah Almighty, The wind raises the clouds, then rains descend from the clouds, hail descends from them, and whatever Allah wills, and He may make it come to a place from all places, so the wind comes in one of the regions and moves the waves from place to place, and may move them in their place and become a whirlpool in the same place, and Allah does what He wills, so these winds are a soldier of Allah Almighty who harnesses them as He wills.

The winds are the ones that carry pollen from one flower to another, which helps in the pollination process.

Pollinators: The plural of “pollinator”, which is the one that causes pollination or fertilization.

In other words, God made the wind a means of carrying pollen between plants, which leads to their reproduction and fruit production.

{We sent down water from the sky}:

After the process of pollination, rain comes down from the sky to irrigate the earth and make it fertile, helping the plants to grow and produce fruit.

{We have watered you and you are not hoarders:}

God is the one who gives you this fresh water, and you are unable to store it or control it except by His power.

The scientific miracle in the verse:

The role of wind in pollination:

Modern science has proven that the wind carries pollen from masculine plants to feminine plants, leading to pollination and fruit production. This process is known as Anemophily.

The symmetry between wind and rain:

The verse connects the role of wind in pollination with rain, which is consistent with modern science, which confirms that wind helps transport pollen, while rain provides the moisture needed for plant growth.

Lessons from the verse:

The greatness of God's creation:

The verse shows the precision of God's workmanship in the universe, making wind and rain the means of sustaining life on earth.

Reflecting on God's signs:

The verse invites us to meditate on how God manages the universe and how everything in it works according to a precise order.

Scientific miracles in the Qur'an:

This verse is one of the proofs that the Qur'an is the word of God, as it mentions scientific facts that were not known at the time of its revelation.

The verse is an impressive scientific reference that shows the compatibility of the Qur'an with scientific facts, which indicates the truthfulness of this great book and that it is from God Almighty.