

Abraham is known as the father of the prophets, because most of the prophets mentioned in the Quran are his descendants. The name Ibrahim also means high father. What is the story of Abraham and what are his miracles mentioned in the Quran?

And the Prophet of God - the Almighty - Ibrahim ibn Tarkh ibn Nahor ibn Nahor ibn Sarugh ibn Argo ibn Falg ibn Gaber ibn Shalakh ibn Qinan ibn Arfakhshadh ibn Sam ibn Noah, peace be upon them.

He was born during the time of Nimrod bin Canaan, and the astrologers had told him that a boy would be born in such and such a year who would violate your religion and break your gods, so he ordered the killing of every child born since that date, but the mother of Abraham, peace be upon him, did not reveal her pregnancy and went out to a cave and gave birth in it and hid it. When he came out after that, he thought about the creation and what his people were doing and said that this world must have a Creator. When he saw the planet that had disappeared, the rising moon that had disappeared, and the sun with its light and large size that had disappeared, he said, “I do not like those who disappear, and he knew that guidance is from God Almighty, and he disowned the religion of his people.

Ibrahim's people were Sabians who worshipped the moving planets and reached them by worshipping idols and believed that these planets were the ones that governed the world.

It is said that in the year of the birth of Abraham, peace be upon him, the soothsayers and astrologers went to Nimrod and warned him that they saw in their knowledge that a boy named Abraham will be born in such and such a month and such and such a year, he will separate your people from your religion and break your idols, so when the year entered, Nimrod locked up every pregnant woman until the date of her birth. But the mother of Abraham, peace be upon him, the wife of Azer, Nimrod did not know of her pregnancy because she was a slave girl who did not know the pregnancy in her belly, and God willed that our master Abraham, peace be upon him, be born with the call, like all the other prophets of God.

When the people returned to their village, he swore to them that he would destroy their idols. When he saw their reluctance, he swore to them that he would destroy their idols, so when they left the village, he began to break all the idols except for the big one, which he left behind, so when the people returned to their village and saw that their idols had been destroyed, they went to Ibrahim When the people returned to their village and saw that their idols had been shattered, they went to Abraham to ask him about it, and he told them that it was the big one who broke them, and that if they were sensible, they would be able to protect themselves from attack, and although their reason came back to them at the time; the big one is an idol that does not hear or see, they returned to their senses.

Miracles of the Prophet Ibrahim

Throwing Abraham into the fire

After Ibrahim (peace be upon him) failed to convince his father Azer to leave idol worship, he went to his people to invite them to leave idol worship, but they refused. Here he swore to destroy these idols.

When Ibrahim's people were confused and could not find an answer to what Ibrahim, peace be upon him, confronted them with, and after he proved the weakness and invalidity of what they worshiped, they floundered and could not find what to do, so the people all gathered together, arrogant to believe the call and leave what their fathers worshiped before them, to burn Ibrahim in the fire for destroying the idols, and it is said that they locked him, peace be upon him, in a house, and began to gather great wood and were offering to the idols So they took Ibrahim, peace be upon him, and raised him to the top of the building, and the angels, heaven, earth and mountains spoke to their Lord that Ibrahim would be burned, and God replied to them that He knows him better than they do, and ordered them all that if he helps you, help him, and it is reported that Ibrahim, peace be upon him, raised his head to the sky before he was burned and said: “O God, You are the One in heaven, and I am the One in the sky: (“O Allah, you are the One in the sky, and I am the One in the earth, and there is no one on earth who worships you other than me.” When they threw Ibrahim into the fire, Gabriel, peace be upon him, called by order of his Lord, “O fire, be cold and peaceful for Ibrahim. There are various sayings about how many

Some of them said that he stayed in the fire for forty nights, and it is said that he stayed fifty nights, and it is narrated from one of them that Ibrahim, peace be upon him, said, “I never had more beautiful days than the nights I spent inside the fire, and God knows best.

The people were looking at him while he was standing inside the fire without any harm to him, amazed and disbelieving of what was happening, so the divine miracle was that he came out of the fire unharmed, so Almighty God said: “O fire, be cold and peaceful to Ibrahim*, but they wished him to be harmful, so we made him the worst of the worst.” This was to show his sincerity and the truth of the Prophet, peace be upon him.

The story of Ibrahim with Nimrod Ibrahim (peace be upon him) adopted a debate method in his discussion with the unbelievers. He debated Nimrod, the king of Babylon, who was a mighty and rebellious man claiming to be a god: (Did you not see the one who argued with Abraham in his Lord that Allah gave him the kingdom when Abraham said, “My Lord is the one who gives life and death,” and Allah said, “I give life and death.” Abraham said, “Allah brings the sun from the sunrise, so bring it from the sunset,” and the one who disbelieved became disbelieving.) [5][6] Ibrahim - peace be upon him - evidenced the existence of God by the observations of death and life around him in the universe. Nimrod replied that he could bring two men who had been sentenced to death; he would kill one of them and pardon the other, thereby killing the first and reviving the second, which is beyond the scope of the debate, but Ibrahim - peace be upon him - challenged him to bring the sun from the east, and challenged him to bring it from the west if he could, but Nimrod was too weak for that, so he was dumbfounded and silent.

The story of Ibrahim's encounter with the angels is mentioned in the Holy Qur'an in several places. The angels came to him as heralds of good news, and in order to honor the guest, he hurriedly brought them food to eat, and when they refused to eat, he felt fear and suspicion of them, so they told him that they were messengers of Allah - Almighty - to Lot's people who were due the punishment of Allah - Almighty - on them. Ibrahim questioned them about this, because they included Lot, peace be upon him, and his family, and they are believers, so they first gave him and his wife good news about the children of Ibrahim, peace be upon him, and told him that God would give them Isaac, peace be upon him, and after Isaac, Jacob, peace be upon him, so his heart was calm and reassured, then he returned to argue with them about the punishment of the people of Lot, and they replied that this is the command of God, so the matter was settled, and the argument was over.

The story of Ibrahim and the four birds is mentioned in the Holy Qur'an as evidence of Allah's ability to resurrect, including the story of Ibrahim (peace be upon him); he asked Allah to show him how to resurrect the dead, although he was fully believing in this, but he wanted to reassure his heart with certain evidence, as the Almighty said in His Holy Book: (When Abraham said, “Lord, show me how you can revive the dead,” he said, “Or have you not believed?” He said, “Yes, but let my heart be reassured.” So he commanded the Lord to show him how to revive the dead.  So Allah (swt) commanded him to take four birds, tear them apart, mix their parts together, then place each of these parts on a mountain, and then commanded him to invite them to Himself, so he (peace be upon him) did what Allah commanded him to do, and the birds came to him and returned to their former form, movement, and life: (He said, “Take four of the birds and call them to you, then put a part of each of them on each mountain, then call them to come to you, and know that Allah is mighty and wise.)

Abraham's migration to the Levant Abraham (peace be upon him), his wife Sarah, and his nephew Lot (peace be upon him) went to the Levant, and it is said that he landed in Harran, fleeing with his religion, calling for God and worshiping Him, and he stayed there for a while, but this country was exposed to drought and hunger, so he and his family traveled to Egypt.

Abraham's migration to Mecca Sarah gave her husband Abraham (peace be upon him) Hajar, a slave girl, to marry her, and she became pregnant and gave birth to the Prophet Ishmael (peace be upon him). Because Sarah was barren, she was jealous of Hagar, so Abraham took Hagar and her son, and took them to the Levant, then to Mecca and left them there, then returned, and when they ran out of water and food, her child began to wriggle from thirst, and Hagar began to seek between two mountains, which are known as Safa and Marwa, and pray to God, and Gabriel came to her after she finished seven rounds at the place of Zamzam, and by God's command he exploded water for her, so she surrounded it with her hand.

As for the story of our master Abraham and his son Ishmael, the years passed and he migrated in Mecca, and when Ishmael - peace be upon him - grew up and reached his majority, Abraham - peace be upon him - saw in a dream that he was slaughtering him, so he obeyed God's command and told his son of his vision, and the other complied with God's command, and when he put him on the ground and held the knife to slaughter his son, God sent a great sacrifice to redeem him; the intention was not to take Ishmael's life, but it was a test by God to see their sincerity and their surrender to his commands

Redeeming Ishmael with a ram

When Ishmael, peace be upon him, grew up and was a righteous son who helped his father in all matters, the Prophet Ibrahim, peace be upon him, saw one night in his dream that he was holding a knife and slaughtering his son Ishmael, peace be upon him, and there is no doubt that the prophets' visions are the right of God and must be carried out to obey God Almighty. When he narrated to his son Ishmael, peace be upon him, what he had seen, he said to him in all righteousness, “O father, do as you are commanded, and if God wills, I will be one of the patient ones.” It was one of the most difficult tests that Abraham, peace be upon him, went through to slaughter his son, and when the time came for Abraham, peace be upon him, to fulfill the vision in compliance with the command of his Lord, and put the knife on Ishmael's neck, a caller came from heaven and said to him: (“O Abraham, you have believed the vision,” and God ransomed Ishmael with a ram from heaven.

It was narrated from Ibn Abbas that the ram with which God Almighty redeemed Ismail was an offering from the son of Adam to God Almighty, and since then, the slaughter of sacrificial animals has become a recommended Sunnah for Muslims at the same time every year, to commemorate the ram's redemption of Ismail, peace be upon him, and to draw closer and obey God Almighty Almighty.

Abraham and Ishmael, peace be upon them, built the Sacred House ALKAABA

Allah Almighty commanded Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) to build the Sacred House in Mecca, and it was the first house for the worship of Allah Almighty to be placed on the earth, so Ibrahim (peace be upon him) responded to the command of his Lord and went to Mecca and began to build the honorable Kaaba, and he was assisted in the construction by his son Ismail (peace be upon him), who gave him the stones with which he built, and they continued to build while chanting: (When they finished the construction, he and his son began to pray and ask for forgiveness from God Almighty, and the scholars cited this in the virtue of Muslim prayer and the virtue of forgiveness after the completion of worship, and God ordered him to invite people to pilgrimage to the house, and also ordered him to purify the house from impurities and everything that pollutes the house from idols and so on, in order to receive the pilgrims, worshipers and performers of prayers in the blessed house of God.