Creation and Management of the Universe (3- Al-Anbiya)

ِCreation and Management of the Universe

Allah says: “Did not those who disbelieved see that the heavens and the earth were a bond and we opened them?” Al-Anbiya: 3

The astonishment of scientists at the Islamic Youth Conference held in Riyadh in 1979 reached its peak when they heard the verse and said: Indeed, the universe in its beginning was a huge smoke and gas nebula cloud that gradually transformed into millions of millions of stars that fill the sky.

Then the American professor (Palmer) stated that what was said can in no way be attributed to a person who died 1400 years ago because he did not have telescopes or spaceships to help discover these facts, so the one who told Muhammad must be God). Prof. Palmer declared his Islam at the end of the conference.

A detailed explanation of the verse:

“Or did not those who disbelieved see":

“Those who disbelieve” here means the disbelievers or disbelievers, i.e. those who deny the existence of God or those who deny the reality of resurrection and rebirth.

The verse questions the disbelievers, asking them why they do not reflect on this great matter, since this cosmic phenomenon shows God's ability in His creation.

“The heavens and the earth were once united.”

This means that at the beginning of their creation, the heavens and the earth were in one cohesive state, with no gap or separation between them.

Before the separation of the heavens and the earth occurred, the universe was in a state of “darnation,” a viscous or cohesive state of matter that blended into each other, as if the heavens and the earth were one inseparable part.

“And we parted them.”

Hatching is the exact opposite of darn, and it means to separate or disperse. It is understood here that God Almighty opened the heavens and the earth, i.e. separated them, so that the heavens began to rise and expand and the earth became stable.

This was done through the divine process that formed the heavens and the earth as we see them now, as the heavens gradually separated from the earth, which is what the Quran expresses with this miraculous word in reference to events that occurred in the early creation of the universe, which matches the contemporary scientific explanation of the emergence of the universe.

The meanings and implications of the verse:

A scientific miracle:

The Quran mentioned this scientific fact more than 1,400 years ago, and it agrees with what scientists have recently proven about the origin of the universe. The scientific theory that explains the creation of the universe is known as the Big Bang theory, which postulates that the universe was initially a cohesive and compact state, and then there was a massive explosion that led to the expansion of the universe and separated the sky from the earth.

Therefore, we can see in this verse a scientific miracle as it is mentioned in the Qur'an that the sky and the earth were connected (darna) and then separated (fathaq) from each other, and this is consistent with what scientists have discovered that the universe started from a single point and then expanded.

The call to reflection:

The verse invites people, whether believers or disbelievers, to reflect on the reality of the creation of the heavens and the earth and to contemplate the greatness of the Creator. It suggests that contemplating these facts helps one to believe in God and His infinite power.

God Almighty asks the disbelievers and unbelievers who do not believe in these facts or do not pay attention to them: “Did he not see”, i.e. did they not see or contemplate this great event? It is an invitation to contemplate and reflect on the process of creation, which indicates the greatness of God and His ability to create this universe

Warning against disbelief:

The verse also includes a warning against persistent denial of cosmic realities, as the unbelievers, despite the fact that the cosmic phenomena around them are clear, do not reflect on them and do not recognize the existence of the Creator who created this universe.

This reflects the state of denial and ignorance that some people may fall into, calling for them to reconsider their beliefs and thinking about the creation around them.

An indication of God's ability and wisdom:

A deep interpretation of this verse shows God's ability to create the universe from a state of dense association to a state of dispersion and creative organization. He is the one who “opened” the heavens and the earth, meaning that He is responsible for initiating, organizing, and expanding the universe in a wondrous balance.

This refers to the greatness of creation and divine creativity, as God is the one who created everything with care and wisdom.

The relationship between this verse and astronomy:

As we mentioned, this verse is in line with what scientists have found in the field of astronomy, as recent studies have shown that the universe began in a state of extreme density and heat, and then began to expand after the “Big Bang”, which amazingly reflects a cosmic truth mentioned in the Holy Qur'an more than 1400 years ago.

Lessons learned:

The miracle of the Qur'an: The verse in this context shows the miracle of the Qur'an, as the Qur'an mentions great details about the universe that were unknown to man in those times, which reinforces the belief in the truthfulness of the Qur'an and that it is the word of God.

An invitation to meditation and reflection: The verse encourages believers to meditate on the grandeur of creation, sensing God's greatness and power that was manifested in the creation of the heavens and the earth from one state to another.

Repentance and return to faith: Unbelievers who do not recognize the existence of God or do not believe in creation must return to God and reflect on these truths.


The verse “Or did not those who disbelieved see that the heavens and the earth were once joined together and we opened them” is an invitation from God to reflect on the great beginning of the universe and God's absolute power in creating the heavens and the earth. This verse carries great meanings in terms of scientific and religious miracles, and indicates a correspondence between the Holy Qur'an and the discoveries of modern science.