

The life of Jesus is a story full of miracles and spiritual lessons, and is considered one of the most influential stories in religious history. He was born to a virgin mother, Maryam bint Imran, and his birth was a miracle in itself, as she conceived him without being touched by humans. His life is an inspiration to believers around the world and reminds us of the importance of faith in God, patience in the face of challenges, and spiritual leadership.

In Islam, Jesus did not make the gesture of the cross with his hands, nor was he crucified, but rather God lifted him up. This doctrine is different from Christianity, which believes in his crucifixion and death. The Qur'an emphasizes that Jesus was not killed or crucified, but that he was mistaken for someone else, that God raised him up alive, and that he will return at the end of time to complete his mission.

We have already explained that the gospel that we believe in, and indeed no one's Islam is valid until he believes in it, is not the gospel that is in the hands of Christians today. The gospel that we believe in is the one that came to Jesus from Allah, peace be upon him, and the one in the hands of Christians today is something else, and they do not claim that Jesus came up with it or wrote it. [See also question no. 47516]

If this is the case, then what the Christians claim that the Gospel states that Jesus is the son of Allah and that Allah is his father, and Allah is exalted to have a son or a daughter, none of it is an argument against us, because we believe that this is a human creation, and it is not from the religion of Jesus, peace be upon him, nor from the religion of any of the other honorable messengers.

Although we believe that the Gospels that exist today in the hands of people, and in which the Christians believe, have been corrupted and altered, and continue to be corrupted from time to time, so that none of them remain in the form in which the Gospel was revealed from God, we point out here that the strongest of these Gospels declares trinitarianism and recognizes the divinity of Christ, peace be upon him, until it became the reference for Christians in reasoning for this falsity, is the Gospel of John. This Gospel has been shrouded in doubt about its authorship by a group of Christian investigators, which has not shrouded the rest of these Gospels that they believe in, an old doubt dating back to the second century A.D. and in their own history as well.

Mr. Estadlin says: “All the Gospel of John was compiled by a student of the school of Alexandria, and the Wajin sect in the second century denied this Gospel and all that was attributed to John.

The British Encyclopaedia states: “As for the Gospel of John, it is undoubtedly a forged book, whose author wanted to compare two of the apostles with each other, namely St. John and St. Matthew.

The Church took this sentence at face value, and determined that the author was John the Apostle, and put his name on the book, even though the author is definitely not John, and this book does not differ from some of the books of the Torah, which have no connection with each other. We have compassion for those who make every effort to link, even in the most tenuous way, the philosophical man who wrote this book in the second generation with the Apostle John, the venerable fisherman, for their labors are in vain, for they have floundered in vain.) [ quoting from Lectures on Christianity by Sheikh Muhammad Abu Zahra ].

It is even more surprising that those of them who challenge the attribution of this Gospel, admit that this Gospel was written specifically in order to prove this falsehood, the falsehood of the divinity of Christ, which the rest of the Gospels neglected, at least until the time this Gospel was written. Yusuf al-Khoury says: “John compiled his Gospel at the end of his life at the request of the bishops of the churches of Asia and others. The reason is that there were sects that denied the divinity of Christ, so they asked him to prove it, and to mention what Matthew, Mark and Luke neglected in their Gospels 

The birth of Jesus

Isa was born in Bethlehem, and his birth was a miracle in itself, as his mother Maryam conceived him without being touched by humans. When she went into labor, she went to a remote place under a palm tree, where she gave birth to Isa. After giving birth, God commanded her to shake the trunk of the palm tree and fresh water fell on her, and to drink from the running water. When she returned to her people with her baby, they marveled at the fact that she was a virgin, so Isa spoke to them in the cradle, emphasizing that he was the servant and messenger of God.

Jesus's miracles

Isa's life was full of miracles that God showed at his hands. These miracles included raising the dead with God's permission, healing the blind and lepers, and healing the sick. Isa also made a bird out of clay, blew on it and it became a bird with God's permission. These miracles were proof that his message was true and that God was with him.

The Call of Jesus

Isa began his call at the age of 30, calling people to worship the one God and leave the worship of idols. He preached love and peace, and forgiveness of wrongdoing. He also called for justice and equality, and for helping the poor and needy. His call was characterized by mercy and kindness, and he treated people with kindness.

Challenges that Jesus faced

Jesus faced many challenges during his preaching, as there were those who lied to him and were hostile to him. Some Jews tried to trap him, testing him with difficult questions, but he answered them with wisdom and insight. They also tried to kill him, but God saved him from them and raised him up.

Raising Jesus (peace be upon him)

At the end of his life, some Jews wanted to kill Jesus, but God saved him from being killed and raised him up. There are different details about how he was raised, but it is certain that God saved him from being killed and raised him to heaven. It is believed that Jesus will return at the end of time to lead believers in a battle against evil.

Jesus's influence on religions

Jesus's life and teachings are central to Christianity and Islam. In Christianity, Isa is considered the Messiah and the Son of God and is believed to have been crucified for the sins of mankind. In Islam, Isa is considered one of the greatest prophets, and his story is repeatedly mentioned in the Quran. It is believed that Isa will return at the end of time to lead believers in a battle against evil.

Lessons from the life of Jesus

Isa's life offers many important lessons, such as the importance of faith in God, patience in the face of challenges, and spiritual leadership. His story also shows how providence can protect and guide those who believe in it, and how disobedience and stubbornness can lead to disastrous consequences.

More details about the life of Jesus

Jesus's childhood and upbringing

Jesus grew up in Bethlehem, and his childhood was full of miracles. He spoke in the cradle and was taught the book and wisdom from a young age. He lived with his mother Maryam, who took care of him and taught him the teachings of religion. He showed signs of prophethood from a young age, and people marveled at his wisdom and understanding.

The beginning of his call

Isa began his call at the age of 30, calling people to worship the one God and leave idolatry. He preached love and peace, and forgiveness of wrongdoing. He also called for justice and equality, and for helping the poor and needy. His call was characterized by mercy and kindness, and he treated people with kindness.

Miracles performed by Jesus

Isa's life was full of miracles that God showed at his hands. These miracles included raising the dead with God's permission, healing the blind and lepers, and healing the sick. Isa also made a bird out of clay, blew on it and it became a bird with God's permission. These miracles were proof that his message was true and that God was with him.

Challenges that Jesus faced

Isa faced many challenges during his call, as there were those who lied to him and were hostile to him. Some Jews tried to trap him, testing him with difficult questions, but he answered them with wisdom and insight. They also tried to kill him, but God saved him from them and raised him up.


The life of Jesus is a story full of miracles and spiritual lessons. From his miraculous birth to his elevation to heaven, Isa's life remains an inspiration to believers around the world. His story reminds us of the importance of faith in God, patience in the face of challenges, and spiritual leadership. Isa's life and teachings are central to Christianity and Islam, and his story continues to inspire believers throughout the ages.