Maryam or Mary
Maryam's story is contained in several chapters of the Qur'an, including the Surah of the Omran, Mary, and the Prophets. Mary was born in a house of fear; her father Imran was one of the righteous, and her mother Hannah was a good believer
Zechariah looked after Maryam, where her aunt's husband was, and he saw signs of piety and goodness in her. She worshipped God in the mihrab and spent her time in prayer and remembrance, and God gave her incalculable wealth. At that time, she found winter fruit in the summer and summer fruit in the winter. Zechariah marveled at this and asked her about the source of this sustenance
And one day, while Maryam was isolated in her war, King Gabriel came to her in the image of a man, and said to her, 'I am the messenger of your Lord, to give you a good boy,' and Maryam marveled, and said, 'How can I be a boy, and no man touch me, and I am not a prostitute?' And King Gabriel said to her, 'Your Lord is Ali, and let us make him a sign for the people, and a mercy for us, and it was a matter of fate
Maryam carried Jesus to peace, and as the time of birth drew near, she went out of her home to a place far from people, where she was feeling fear and sadness for the accusations she was going to face from her people. She was alone in those difficult moments, but God was with her, and He sent her comfort and tranquility, and labor came to her to the trunk of the palm tree. She said, "I wish I had died before this, and you were forgotten." He called her from underneath her, "Do not be sad, Your Lord has made it secret, and shaken you with the trunk of the palm tree to fall upon you with genital moisture, astronomy, drink and envy eyes. Either you see people, so say, I have vowed to the God, so I will not speak to the Humankind today
And Maryam came with her maiden, carrying her child, and they marveled at her, and said, 'O Maryam , you have brought something spontaneous, O sister of Aaron. Your father was not a bad woman, and your mother was not a prostitute.' And she pointed to her child, and they marveled at how he was talking to them while he was a babe in the crib. Jesus said, 'I am Abdullah, who has given me the book, and made me a prophet wherever I am.' And he commanded me with prayer and alms, as long as I am still alive and righteous by my mother. He did not make me a mighty one, but peace be upon the day I was born, and the day I resurrected alive
Maryam was an example of patience and faith, and she was confronted with the accusations of her people of patience and trust in God. The Koran reminded her story to be a lesson to believers everywhere and for all time. Mary was one of the best women in the world, and God chose her as a mother to God's prophet Jesus
Maryam was an example of chastity and chasteness. God preserved her from all evil and made her one of the righteous. Her life was filled with lessons and lessons that reminded us of God's power and grace to his righteous worshipers
Maryam was an example of patience and faith, and she faced the accusations of her people of patience and trust in God. Her life was full of lessons that reminded us of God's power and grace to his righteous worshipers
Her life was filled with miracles and blessings that demonstrated God's power and greatness. Maryam was an example of faith and piety, and she faced challenges with patience and trust in God. Her life was filled with miracles that showed the truthfulness of Jesus' prophecy
Maryam was an example of chastity and purity, protected from any evil and made good. Her life was full of miracles and blessings that demonstrated God's power and greatness. She was an example of faith and piety, and she faced all challenges with patience and trust in God
Maryam was an example of patience and faith, and she faced the accusations of her people of patience and trust in God. Her life was full of lessons that reminded us of God's power and grace to his righteous worshipers
Her life was filled with miracles and blessings that demonstrated God's power and greatness. Maryam was an example of faith and piety, and she faced challenges with patience and trust in God. Her life was filled with miracles that showed the truthfulness of Jesus' prophecy