

Saleh, peace be upon him, began his call to his people to worship Allah alone and to leave the worship of the idols they were worshipping. He called them to believe in Allah and repent of their sins, and warned them of Allah's punishment if they continued in their disbelief and tyranny. The Almighty said: **He said, “O my people, worship Allah, for you have no other god besides Him.” [Hud: 61] The people of Thamud asked Saleh, peace be upon him, to leave the worship of idols.

The people of Thamud asked Salih (peace be upon him) to bring them a miracle to prove the truth of his prophethood. They said to him: **{Bring us a sign, for you are but one of the enchanters}** [Al-Shu'araa: 153]. Saleh prayed to his Lord to support him with a miracle, so God ordered him to bring them a camel out of a large rock.

The camel came out of the rock in front of the eyes of the people, and it was a great camel with unique characteristics, as it drank water for a whole day and no one shared it, and the next day the people drank and did not share it. The Almighty said: **{This is a camel that has a drink and you have a drink for a known day}** [Al-Shu'araa: 155]. Saleh asked his people not to harm the camel and warned them of God's punishment if they harmed it.

Despite the obvious miracle, most of the people of Thamud continued to disbelieve and disbelieve. They even began to conspire to kill the camel, as nine men of honor gathered and conspired to kill it. The Almighty said: **{And there were nine men in the city who were corrupting in the land and not reforming**** [Al-Naml: 48].

The people killed the camel, defying Saleh's command. A woman named Aniza participated in the crime, convincing a man named Qadar bin Salif to kill the camel. After they killed it, they challenged Saleh to bring them punishment if he was truthful.

Saleh warned them of God's punishment and told them that they would be tortured after three days. The Almighty said: **{So he said, “Enjoy yourselves in your homes for three days, for that is a promise that is not false”}** [Hud: 65]. The signs of torment began to appear on them, as their faces yellowed on the first day, reddened on the second day, and blackened on the third day.

On the fourth day, the torment descended on the people of Thamud. God sent a great shout from the sky and a great tremor from the earth, and they all died in one moment. The Almighty said: **{{The tremor took them, and they became crouched in their homes}** [Al-A'raf: 78]. God also sent a thunderbolt that burned them, and none of them survived except Saleh and those who believed with him.

Saleh (peace be upon him) and those who believed with him escaped the torment, as they left the village before the torment came. The Almighty said: **{When our command came, we saved Saleh and those who believed with him with a mercy from us and from the shame of that day, for your Lord is the strong and mighty}** [Hud: 66]

After the destruction of the people of Thamud, their ruins remained as an example for those who came after them. The Qur'an mentions that they used to carve mountains to make safe houses, but this did not help them from God's punishment. The Almighty said: **{And you shall take from its plains palaces, and you shall carve the mountains into houses, so remember the signs of Allah and do not wreak havoc on the earth}** [Al-A'raf: 74].

- **The consequence of disbelief and tyranny**: The people of Thamud were powerful and empowered, but their disbelief led to their destruction.
- **Patience for the call**: Saleh, peace be upon him, was patient with his people and continued to call them despite their disbelief.
- **God's power and greatness**: The miracle of the camel and the destruction of the people shows that God is capable of everything.
- **Reliance on God**: The survival of Saleh and the believers shows that God saves those who rely on Him.

The story of Saleh is mentioned in several chapters of the Qur'an, including Al-A'raf, Hud, Al-Sha'ar, and Al-Naml. The story provides important details about Saleh's call, the miracle of the camel, and the destruction of the people of Thamud.

The story of Prophet Saleh (peace be upon him) remains a lesson for all humans, showing that believing in God and following His messengers is the path of salvation, and that disbelief and tyranny lead to destruction. It is a constant reminder of God's power and greatness, and that nothing on earth or in heaven is beyond His power.