

God Almighty sent Zakariya, peace be upon him, as a messenger to the children of Israel, and he, peace be upon him, called his people to the religion of God, Islam, and the worship of God alone, and frightened them of His punishment at a time when immorality and debauchery were rampant in the land, and corrupt kings were in power, who wreaked havoc in the land. These kings had taken power over the righteous, the pious and the prophets until they shed their blood, and the most deadly and criminal of them was King Herod, the ruler of Palestine, who ordered the killing of Yahya bin Zakariya to satisfy the desire of his mistress, as will be shown in the story of Yahya bin Zakariya (peace be upon them), as will be shown in the story of Yahya bin Zakariya.
Zakariyah, peace be upon him, met with great harm from the Israelites and their rulers, and he was subjected to great horrors and heavy hardships from his people, but he was patient until his bones weakened and became weak, and the gray hairs on his head caught fire. Before God honored him with the message and chose him to save the Israelites from misery and misguidance, Zakariya was one of the great righteous and godly people who had a company in the service of the Temple, then God Almighty prophesied and made him a messenger to the Israelites, and Imran, the father of Maryam, was their imam and master.

The content and events of the story

The Holy Qur'an tells us the story of Prophet Zakariya, peace be upon him, when he was old and gray, and his wife was also old and had not borne him a child that would give him peace of mind and bear his name. He would soon turn the page and move on to another life. Who will inherit his wisdom and fulfill his trusteeship? These are his loyalists and cousins who are wicked and ungodly; they must be restrained from their wickedness, and if they are left alone with their wicked souls, they will erase the law, spread corruption, and change the features of the book.

The genealogy of Zakariya - peace be upon him His lineage goes through Solomon bin David, peace be upon them, until it reaches Judah, the son of Jacob, peace be upon him. It is reported that Zakariya was a carpenter, and he was mentioned in the Holy Qur'an eight times, and his story is detailed in the suras of Maryam and Al-Umran, and he was sent as a prophet among the Israelites. He was sent as a prophet among the children of Israel with a call to monotheism, worship of Allah, and abandonment of anything else, at a time when their corruption and disbelief were widespread, and immorality, injustice and denial in general were widespread among them, as the kings of the children of Israel at that time were infidels and unbelievers, filled with hatred for religion and its people, and they took power over the pious and righteous, killing and oppressing them, and Zechariah - peace be upon him - suffered from their affliction. when King Herod ordered the killing of Yahya ibn Zakariya (peace be upon him) to please his mistress

The story of Zakariya (peace be upon him)
Zakariya (peace be upon him) reached the stage of weakness and gray hair, as he described in his prayer to Allah, but despite this, he did not despair of Allah's ability and favor by giving him a child despite his circumstances, and his sponsorship of Mary, peace be upon her, was an additional reason for this certainty. This increased his certainty and his desire for God to honor him with a child, despite the fact that his wife was barren and could not bear children, and that he had grown old as well.

Allah, the Almighty, answered his prophet's call, announcing that he would have a son, whose name would be Yahya: [4] Zakariyya, peace be upon him, was surprised by the news, even though he had been praying to Allah (swt), so he asked Allah to make him a sign of this good news and proof of the existence of the pregnancy, so he was silent for three days, despite his temperament and his association with people, and it was said: It was a sign of Allah's blessing on the Prophet that He made his son Yahya a Sadiq, a prophet, righteous to his parents, and Allah gave him the Book and judgment as a boy, until two boys came to him wanting to play with him when he was a boy, so he told them: He was one of the blessings that Allah, the Almighty, bestowed upon him, as Allah, the Almighty, says: “And he was compassionate and pious and pious.”[5] Yahya, peace be upon him, was merciful to his parents, compassionate to them, and righteous to them, as Allah, the Almighty, also says: “May Allah, the Almighty, have mercy on them: (“Peace be upon him on the day he was born, on the day he dies, and on the day he is resurrected alive.”[6] Allah, the Almighty, greeted him Himself, thereby elevating his status and fate in this world and the Hereafter

The Prophet Zacharias, peace be upon him, used to enter Mary, peace be upon her, in the mihrab, which is her temple in which she worships Allah Almighty, which is the master and most honorable of the councils in the mosque, and he would find a sustenance of fruit that is not found in the country or among other people, as he would find summer fruit in winter and winter fruit in summer, and this is one of the honors with which Allah Almighty honors His guardians and guardians.
The venerable Lady Mary, peace be upon her, was one of the righteous and devout women who worshipped day and night, until she became an example of worship and obedience in the children of Israel, and this pure and chaste lady was famous for her noble conditions and honorable qualities.

The mother of Mary, peace be upon her, the wife of Imran, was a righteous and pious woman, but she was childless, and time passed and she did not have a son, so she vowed to Allah, the Almighty, that if He gave her a son, she would make him a servant of the House of Jerusalem and a worshipper of Allah, so it was only a short time until Allah answered her hope and prayer, and announced her pregnancy, but when she gave birth, it was a female, and she confused her; how could she be a servant of religion and a worshipper of Allah while she is a female, but she fulfilled her vow, and took Mary - peace be upon her - to Jerusalem, to find someone to sponsor her, and the righteous people of the Israelites took a vote to sponsor her, for the love of her father, who was a good and pious man of the scholars of the Israelites. The righteous among the Israelites voted to sponsor Mary, peace be upon her, out of love for her father, who was a righteous and pious man of the scholars of the Israelites. Zakariya, peace be upon him, who was the husband of her aunt, sponsored her, raised her well, disciplined her, housed her in his sanctuary, and brought her to the worship of Allah alone, which satisfies him about her.

The death of Prophet Zechariah (peace be upon him)

Prophet Zakariya, peace be upon him, was murdered by the criminal Jews, and the reason for his death was said: When the news spread among the Israelites that Mary, peace be upon her, was pregnant, some heretics accused her of Joseph the carpenter, who was worshipping with her in the mosque, and others accused her of Zakariya, peace be upon him, so they resolved to kill him, so they caught him and then sawed him with a saw, and he was killed unjustly by the hands of the criminal Jews and died as a martyr, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.

When his son, Prophet Yahya ibn Zakariya, peace be upon them, was killed by order of the unjust king Herod, the ruler of Palestine, this king sent for his father Zakariya, peace be upon him, so he hid himself from them: When he came to it, it split by the power and will of God, and he entered it, and it closed in on him, and he remained in the middle of it, so the enemy of God, Iblis, came and took the fringe of Zakariya's robe and pulled him out of the tree so that they would believe him if he told them, then he met the people who went out to seek Zakariya, peace be upon him, and he was disguised as a man and said to them: “What do you want?” They said, ‘We seek Zakariyya,’ and he said to them: He told them: He enchanted this tree and it split for him and he entered it, and they said: We do not believe you! He showed them the tip of his robe, so they took axes, cut down the tree and split it with a saw, and God's Prophet Zakariya was killed in it and died as a martyr, and God gave them the most vicious people on earth and took revenge on them.