Prophet Muhammad (The Morals)
Muhammad (peace be upon him) was born in Mecca, and lived there for most of his life until he left it to migrate to Yathrib, and his life there before the Prophetic Mission was different from what many of the youth of the Arab tribes, for whom Mecca was their homeland, and it was the will of God Almighty to preserve Muhammad (peace be upon him). After a long period of contemplation and reflection, away from people, alone in the cave, where he used to worship for countless nights, without being obsessed with the world in a way that distracted him from the practice of approaching God Almighty with what was available to him from the remnants of the religion of our master Abraham - peace be upon him - and his life in the early stages before marriage was not forbidden. In its early stages before marriage, his life was not isolated from reality, nor was it separated from the hereafter, but it was a life of its own nature, not distracting him from the concerns of the environment, nor cutting him off from intimate communication with the major events that were the subject of thought, agreement and disagreement, in this society that was subject to the authority of the tribe, and other considerations such as the worship of multiple idols, and the presence of an enslaved community of slaves and slaves, with black skin that did not please anyone who looked at the time, and among the participants by word or deed, which does not escape the memory of Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace and blessings From the beginning of the march of events until God sent him as a prophet to the rest of creation
Breastfeeding Muhammad
There was a succession of women who breastfed Muhammad, as follows:
His mother, Amna bint Wahab: She nursed him for a few days, said to be only three, seven or nine days.
Thuwaybah: She was a slave of Abu Lahab, and before the Prophet, she had nursed a son of hers named Masrouh, and Thweiba had also nursed Hamzah ibn Abdul Muttalib before him, then after the Prophet, she nursed Abu Salama al-Makhzoumi, so these were the Prophet's breastfeeding brothers, but Thweiba did not nurse the Prophet for a long period of time.
Halima al-Saadiya: The Arabs were keen to send their sons to the desert from an early age to learn eloquence and eloquence there, and at that time the Banu Saad were famous for their eloquence and breastfeeding the children of the cities, so they sent Muhammad to breastfeed with Mrs. Halima al-Saadiyah, and she breastfed him and her son, and he stayed with her for two years. He stayed with her for two years, and when she returned him to Mecca, where his mother Amina was, Halima feared for him from the epidemic that was widespread in Mecca at that time, so she brought him back with her, and Muhammad's arrival in the villages of Banu Sa'd was good for them, as their sheep brought them much good and those around them were complaining of drought and barrenness. The death of the Prophet Muhammad's mother and the sponsorship of his grandfather Muhammad reached the age of six years, so his mother Amna took him on a visit to Yathrib, where his uncles, and on her way back she fell very ill, and died in an area called Al-Abuwa, located on the road between Mecca and Medina, and was buried there, after that the Prophet was sponsored by his grandfather Abdul Muttalib upon his return from Yathrib.
The death of Muhammad's mother
When Muhammad was six years old, his mother Amna took him on a visit to Yathrib, where his uncles were, and on her way back she became very ill and died in an area called Al-Abuwa, located on the road between Mecca and Medina, and was buried there, after which the Prophet was sponsored by his grandfather Abdul Muttalib upon his return from Yathrib
The death of Muhammad's grandfather and his uncle's sponsorship
His grandfather, Abdul-Muttalib, loved Muhammad very much and sat him in the councils of men, talking to him and caressing him. Abdul-Muttalib had a council at the Kaaba that no one approached, but he allowed Muhammad to sit with him, as he felt that this boy would have a great destiny. Abdul Muttalib did not last long in his sponsorship of Muhammad until he died two years later at the age of eighty years, and Muhammad was eight years old, but before his death he recommended that Muhammad be sponsored by his uncle Abu Talib, because he was the brother of his father Abdullah, so Abu Talib sponsored him and took care of him.
Prophet Muhammad's Youth
Prophet Muhammad's work In his youth, Muhammad was a young man who was obedient and obedient to his uncle Abu Talib, but his uncle's pampering did not prevent him from working, earning and relying on himself, as his uncle supported many children, which pushed Muhammad to work and earn by himself, so the Prophet's profession before the mission was in the following jobs:
Shepherding sheep: The Prophet (peace be upon him) started working in shepherding sheep from a young age, and he used to take care of them for the people of Makkah for a small amount of money, and God's harnessing of him for this work had a great wisdom; namely, that God, the Almighty, prepared him by taking care of sheep for the greater care and politics of an entire nation, as taking care of sheep, feeding them, watering them, treating them and preserving them from any predation or anything like that, is nothing but teaching him to take care of the flock, fear them and preserve them: ("Allah did not send a prophet except to herd sheep, and his companions said: ‘And you?’ He said: 'Yes, I used to herd them for the people of Mecca.)
Trade: His uncle Abu Talib used to work in trade, so he took him with him on his trading trips and taught him to buy and sell, but working with his uncle did not earn him much profit, and Muhammad was known before the mission for his honesty and truthfulness, so Mrs. Khadija bint Khuwaylid offered him to work for her and manage her trade, so he worked with her in trade when he was in his early twenties.
Prophet Muhammad's marriage
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) worked for Khadija bint Khuwaylid, who was a beautiful and wise woman of Mecca and possessed a lot of money. She was forty years old and had married two husbands before, but she was widowed, so many people from Mecca wanted to marry her, but she refused. When she saw Muhammad's character in his trade, and she knew from her cousin, Waraqa bin Nawfal, that Muhammad was of great importance, she offered herself to the Prophet, who was then twenty-five years old, and his uncle Abu Talib betrothed her to him and married her, and she was his first wife, and bore him all his children.
Attitudes indicative of prophethood
Before the mission, the life of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) from a young age indicated that he was not like other people:
The blessing that fell on Halima al-Saadiya Halima al-Saadiya was breastfeeding her son, and she complained that her milk was low and her son was not satisfied from her, and she was poor and destitute, and when she came to Mecca with the women of Banu Sa'ad to look for nurses for them, they were looking for a son who had rich parents, and all of them refused to breastfeed Muhammad because he was an orphan, so Halima was left with only him, so she took him, and when she returned with him and put him on her breasts, the blessing flowed from them, and he suckled until he was satisfied with her and her son.
The Incident of Incision
The Prophet's chest was cut open by the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. While he was playing with the children, a revelation came to him, and he wrestled with him and cut his chest, and extracted a leech from his chest, then he brought a bowl made of gold, which was filled with Zamzam water and washed his heart in it, then put his heart back into his chest. The boys who were with him were frightened and ran to their nurse Halima, thinking that someone had killed Muhammad, and the effect of the incision in his honorable chest was still visible, then God - the Almighty - washed his heart again in the incident of the Israa' and the Mi'raj. His heart was washed again in the incident of Israa and Mi'raj.
The incident of the monk Bahira
When they reached a place called Basra, there was a monk in his hermitage called Bahira. He knew that this was the Prophet of this nation and told those with him about it. When they asked him how he knew this, he said that he knew the signs of the Prophet's coming from their books, and that when that caravan reached Aqaba, the stone and tree prostrated, and they would only prostrate to a Prophet. [8] Then this monk recommended to Abu Talib to take him back to Mecca and to watch out for him on the way because the Jews are keen to kill him, and he told them that he turned back some of them who came looking for him and sensed that the Prophet was coming in this month, but the monk Bahira turned them back, and this is a true story whose authenticity is proven by al-Tirmidhi, al-Hakim, and others, indicating the prophecy of Muhammad - may Allah bless him and grant him peace - before his mission.
The ability to resolve disputes when rebuilding the Kaaba and lifting the Black Stone:
The historical accounts mention that the Ka'ba suffered a fire when a woman came to it to perfume it and a spark was released from it to the cladding and wood, then the torrent washed away the building, the walls cracked, and the Meccans saw the need to demolish it and rebuild it, but they disagreed on this, until another torrent came, making rebuilding inevitable, and they began to demolish it, and they reached green stones, so they kept them as the foundation for the Ka'ba, and this was five years before the Prophet's mission, and the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. They collected stones from the mountains near Mecca, and they disagreed about who would have the honor of lifting the Black Stone, to be placed in its place, until the building was completed on top of it, then they agreed, as Ibn Hisham said in the Prophetic Biography, on the words of Abu Umayya bin al-Mughira, who was then the oldest man in the Quraysh, saying: When they saw him, they said, “This is the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and when he came to them and they told him the news, he said, ‘Bring me a garment.’ He brought it, took the corner (of the stone) and placed it in it with his hand, then said, ‘Let each tribe take a part of the garment, and then lift it all together.’ They did so, until they reached its position, he placed it with his hand, and then it was built on it.”