Miracles in the Quran People of the Cave GOOD LIFE People of the Cave The People of the Cave is a topic of great importance in the Islamic tradition, and is associated with a profound hist... read more
Miracles in the Quran Embryo Formation Stages GOOD LIFE Embryo Formation Stages Allah says: “He creates you in the womb of your mothers from one creation to another in three shades of darkness.” ... read more
Miracles in the Quran Creation and Management of the Universe (3- Al-Anbiya) GOOD LIFE ِCreation and Management of the Universe Allah says: “Did not those who disbelieved see that the heavens and the earth were a bond and we op... read more
Miracles in the Quran Creation and Management of the Universe (11- Surah Faslat) GOOD LIFE ِCreation and Management of the Universe The verse “Then He ascended into the sky and it was smoke” is part of Surah Faslat, verse 11. Thi... read more
Miracles in the Quran Miracle of winds GOOD LIFE Miracle of winds The Almighty says: {And We sent the winds to pollinate} (Surat al-Hajar: 22) is part of a noble verse that shows an aspect ... read more
Miracles in the Quran The Isra' and Mi'raj GOOD LIFE The Isra' and Mi'raj Many of us only know the basic story of Al-Isra’ wal-Mi’raj - that the Prophet (saw) was transported from al-Ma... read more
Miracles in the Quran The Qur'an GOOD LIFE The Qur'an The Qur'an is considered the greatest miracle given to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)... read more