Stories from the Quran Companions of the Canyon GOOD LIFE Companions of the Canyon The story of the Companions of the Canyon is one of the great Qur'anic stories that holds profound lessons abo... read more
Stories from the Quran Talut and Goliath GOOD LIFE Talut and Goliath The story of Talut and Goliath: The triumph of faith over tyranny Introduction The story of Talut and Goliath is one of ... read more
Stories from the Quran owners of the elephant GOOD LIFE owners of the elephant The story of the owners of the elephant : The miracle of preserving God's hous e Introduction The story of the ... read more
Stories from the Quran Zulqarnain GOOD LIFE Zulqarnain One of the greatest stories mentioned in the Holy Qur'an is the story of Zulqarnain in Surah Al-Kahf, whose story begins fr... read more
The Lives of the Companions Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman GOOD LIFE Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman The story of Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman is full of lessons and is considered one of the most influential stories in Isla... read more
The Lives of the Companions Abu Huraira GOOD LIFE Abu Huraira The story of Abu Huraira is full of lessons and is considered one of the most influential stories in Islamic history. Abu Hurai... read more
The Lives of the Companions Mu'adh ibn Jabal's GOOD LIFE Mu'adh ibn Jabal's Mu'adh ibn Jabal's upbringing Mu'adh ibn Jabal (may Allah be pleased with him) was born in Medina, a... read more
The life of the prophets Jesus GOOD LIFE Jesus The life of Jesus is a story full of miracles and spiritual lessons, and is considered one of the most influential stories in reli... read more
The life of the prophets Moses GOOD LIFE Moses The life of Moses is a story full of great events and spiritual lessons, and is considered one of the most influential stories in... read more
The life of the prophets Maryam GOOD LIFE Maryam Maryam or Mary Maryam's story is contained in several chapters of the Qur'an, including the Surah of the Omran, Mary, and... read more
The life of the prophets Zakariya GOOD LIFE Zakariya God Almighty sent Zakariya, peace be upon him, as a messenger to the children of Israel, and he, peace be upon him, called his p... read more
The life of the prophets Saleh GOOD LIFE Saleh Saleh, peace be upon him, began his call to his people to worship Allah alone and to leave the worship of the idols they were worsh... read more
Miracles in the Quran Miracle of winds GOOD LIFE Miracle of winds The Almighty says: {And We sent the winds to pollinate} (Surat al-Hajar: 22) is part of a noble verse that shows an aspect ... read more
Miracles in the Quran The Isra' and Mi'raj GOOD LIFE The Isra' and Mi'raj Many of us only know the basic story of Al-Isra’ wal-Mi’raj - that the Prophet (saw) was transported from al-Ma... read more